
Thursday, March 12, 2015

Strawberry Banana Smoothie

When I was in college at SMU, a lot of my meals where eaten on campus.  When I lived in the dorm, I'd usually eat in the dining hall on the meal plan.  However, occasionally, I'd head over to the student center and use my Pony Bucks to get a smoothie, and sometimes a chicken caesar salad wrap.  Of course I had no idea how many calories I was ingesting in that meal, although the fact that the smoothie was made with frozen yogurt should have tipped me off.  Either I was too naive to know or the smoothie and the wrap was too good for me to care.  I care now though, which is why I am so excited about this Strawberry Banana Smoothie.

When I made it the other day, the first thing I did was message my college roommate on Facebook.  She had to know about this recipe, and I knew for a fact she had the ingredients on hand.  I buy strawberries and bananas in bulk when they'd go on sale and make up smoothie packs and keep them in the freezer.

3-4 strawberries, frozen
1/2 banana, frozen
1 packet vanilla Shakeology
1 cup water
3-4 ice cubes (optional)

Combine the water and Shakeology in a blender.  Add the frozen strawberries, banana, and ice.  Blend until smooth.

My mom isn't a huge fan of protein powders, and she really likes this one.  In fact, in the care the other day she finished mine off!

21 Day Fix Conversion:
1 red, 1 purple

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