
Tuesday, March 10, 2015

Birthday Dinner- Homemade Pizza

I love pizza.  If there was a food I could eat every day and never get sick of, it would be pizza.  I am not picky about my pizza either.  Even bad pizza (or in my case, gluten free crust) is still better than no pizza.  That being said, because of my pizza addiction, I try to limit my interaction with it.  You know how some people can eat an entire bag of potato chip or a pint of ice cream in one sitting and still carry on like nothing happened- I am like that with pizza.  So, I try to set a few ground rules for my pizza consumption:

1.  It must be the only time that day I have dairy that day (I am dairy sensitive).
2.  It either needs to be a single serving, or I have to split it with someone.
3.  It should have some sort of protein on it so I don't just have crust and cheese.
4.  I have to eat a salad before my pizza.

Now that we know my rules, lets talk about what kind of pizza. If I am really giving into a craving and having pizza delivered, I go for plain pepperoni.  If we are at a restaurant that happens to serve gluten free pizza, I get BBQ Chicken Pizza.  If I am making it at home, I make Meatzza and Cheezza!

Meatzza and Cheezza are copy cat recipes from my all time favorite pizza place in Houston, TX.  Now that we no longer live in TX, when I want this pizza, I have to make it myself.  I usually buy one package of gluten free pizza crust, and split it into 2 thin crust pizzas.  One gets the meat toppings, one gets the cheese toppings.  I know what you're thinking, I said their has to be protein on my pizza, and cheese pizza doesn't sound like it has protein.  Well it does!  One of the cheeses on Cheezza is ricotta cheese, which on the 21 Day Fix, counts as a protein.  Yippee!

2 eleven inch pizza crusts, pre-baked if needed. (1 package store bought dough)
Mozzarella Cheese (about 2 cups)

Gruyere Cheese
Ricotta Cheese
Parmesan Cheese
Pesto Sauce (extra points if you make homemade and throw in some spinach)

Chili Flake
Tomato Sauce

Spread one type of sauce in a thin layer on each crust.  Sprinkle a small about of mozzarella cheese over the sauce.  Place the rest of the toppings on the cheese, and then finish with more mozzarella cheese.  Be sure to distribute the ricotta evenly, in small amounts on the Cheezza.  Bake for 10 minutes in a 400 degree oven until the cheese is melted.

I hope you enjoy this pizza as much as I do.  I'd love to tell you I'd figured out the 21 Day Fix conversions for you, but I haven't.  Lets be real, if I am eating pizza, I am not overly worried about my diet at that moment in time.  However, I do try to purchase the cleanest ingredients I can (nitrate free meat), and I try to keep it balanced in the rest of my day (as I said before, this will be my dairy for the day, as well as my carbs).

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