
Sunday, January 20, 2013

Steak and Eggs

Last week I posted about one of my favorite healthy breakfasts- Turkey, egg whites and rice.  This week, I am going to post about my husband's.  This is also similar to one of the meals we used to purchase at My Fit Foods.  Again, if you've got the budget and you don't have the time to cook, I highly recommend their food.  The minute I start working full time again, I will drive my butt to the closest store and stock up.  It is just so easy to eat healthy! Anyway...after I mastered my favorite breakfast, my husband asked me to try his.  Honestly, I have never tried the original (and I didn't try this one- I am not a fan of steak), so I can't really tell you how it tastes- but he loved it.  He said it was just like the original, except half the price.

You Will Need:
3 baby red potatoes
1 package stew meat (or whatever steak you want- we are just poor)
3 eggs
3/4 cup egg whites
mini crock pot*
potato masher
salt and pepper
Tex Joy steak seasoning (or whatever you have)
cooking spray

*You do not have to use a crock pot, but since I am trying to make this as low fat as possible while cooking with tough cuts of meat, it is highly recommended.  If you don't have a crock pot, I would use a baking dish, covered with aluminum foil in a 350 degree oven for 1 hour.

Dice the potatoes (skin on) and place in the bottom of a small crock pot that has been sprayed with cooking spray.  Add 1/4 cup water to the crock pot and sprinkle with salt and pepper.  Cook on high for 2 hours.  After two hours, add the stew meat to the crock pot.  I ended up cutting my stew meat in to smaller, bite size pieces- but that's just because the original was in small pieces.  It is really up to you.  Sprinkle the steak with the steak seasoning.  Cover, and cook on low for 2 more hours.  While the steak is cooking, scramble your eggs and egg whites.  Do not over cook the eggs.  In fact, it is best to under cook them.  They will cook a little more when you re-heat the meal.  Divide the eggs into 3 storage containers.  Place the cooked steak on top of the eggs.

You should now be left with a crock pot half full of potatoes, a little water and steak drippings.  Don't drain the liquid off!  If you used stew meat, there shouldn't have been a lot of fat, and we have yet to add any to the potatoes.  The starchy cooking water and steak juices will make the potatoes smooth and creamy- not to mention make them taste delicious.  Using your potato masher, mash the potatoes directly in the crock pot.

Note, if your potatoes don't seem soft, just let them cook a little longer (sometimes they just take longer- I don't know why).  The whole point of this meal is to prepare breakfasts a head of time, so I hope you aren't waiting to eat it now. :)  If your potatoes are ready, a few mashes and a quick stir should be all it takes for delicious mashed potatoes.  Add your mashed potatoes to the storage containers.  Refrigerate until you are ready to eat.  They will last about a week.  When you are ready to eat, microwave each dish for a minute and a half on high.

I hope you enjoy! That's what's for breakfast. :)

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