
Thursday, January 17, 2013

Healthy Breakfast Copy Cat Recipe

About  6 months ago my husband and I started going to My Fit Foods.  If you don't know what My Fit Foods is, it is a place that makes pre packaged meals that aren't frozen or full of preservatives.  They usually only have about 5 ingredients (plus spices).  You can heat them up in the store, or take them home with you.  They have breakfasts, lunches, dinners, and snacks.  We usually bought breakfasts and lunches.  It made getting out the door in the morning so much easier- and they are portion and calorie controlled.  If you have the money, I highly recommend them.  We don't have the money any more, which is why I am writing this blog post. 

One of my favorite breakfasts had egg whites, ground turkey, rice and pico de gallo. The first time it was recommended to me, I was skeptical, but it quickly became my go to meal.  Right after the holidays, I was trying to get back in the swing of healthy eating, I found myself wishing we had room in our budget, but since we don't I decided to just figure it out.  I went to the website, and since they list the ingredients, it seemed simple enough.  What I ended up with wasn't identical- but it was pretty close.  Even better, it cost me half as much.  

You Will Need:
1 package ground turkey (the square package, not the meat log.  I think it is usually about 24 oz.)
2 cups egg whites
1 pouch microwavable rice (I used uncle ben's 90 second white rice)
Pico de gallo
diced bell pepper
Salt and Pepper
1/4 cup Shredded Cheese

Brown the turkey in a large skillet over medium heat.  Drain off the excess grease, and add the egg whites to the cooked turkey.  Season with salt and pepper and stir until the egg whites are cooked.  My egg whites mostly disappeared into the ground turkey- so this might be a great way to sneak eggs into picky eaters.  While your eggs are cooking, microwave your rice.  Divide your rice into 6 containers and place the turkey mixture on top of the rice.  Alternately, spread the rice in a large baking dish and top evenly with the turkey.  Sprinkle the bell peppers and pico across the turkey mixture.  Add as much as you like, veggies for breakfast are delicious! Sprinkle a small amount of the shredded cheese on top. When you re heat the dish, the cheese will melt so you don't need a lot.  Cover and place in the refrigerator until you are ready to eat.  It will last for about a week in the refrigerator.  Do not freeze.  Serves 6. 

To reheat: 
Microwave on high for 1 minute 20 seconds.  

Nutritional Information:
Calories: 266
Carbs: 15
Fat: 10
Protein: 25
Fiber: 0 (I think I might try brown rice next time)
Cholesterol: 84

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