
Saturday, December 15, 2012

That Chocolate Thing That Willie Made- aka Chocolate Truffle Loaf with Raspberry Sauce

Growing up, I don't remember my maternal grandmother (Willie) cooking a lot.  That might be because my uncle is a chef, or maybe she did and I don't remember it.  I do remember her watching football, knitting or playing I think maybe she just didn't cook a lot.  However, I do remember a few particular dishes that only she made:

Macaroni and Cheese (the real kind)
Cheese on toast
Giblet Gravy
Something containing pearl onions that my dad liked at the holidays
Standing Rib Roast
Some sort of salad at every meal,
and...That Chocolate Thing- also known as Chocolate Truffle Loaf with Raspberry Sauce.

My once cousin claimed you cant make macaroni and cheese like hers unless you have the cup with the red lid that she used to shake up the flour and milk- but I think mine comes pretty close.  Cheese on toast as been a breakfast staple as long as I can remember.  I am sure if anyone other than her ate the giblets I could figure out how to make giblet gravy...and other than onions, I don't know what is in that onion dish.  But the Chocolate Thing- that I just found her recipe for.

Once we convinced my grandparents they needed a computer and internet, my grandmother took to it pretty well.  I would send her papers to proof read, she liked to get emails from my cousin when he was deployed, and then there online shopping.  I think she liked the convenience of it...especially at Christmas.  One year, I came home from work to find package on my doorstep from Pet Smart.  I immediately called her to make sure I didn't need to poke holes in the box.  At first I thought she had shipped us a kitten- turns out it a kitty safe de-icer for my dad.

A few years before she passed, I asked her to send me the recipe for The Chocolate Thing.  I had already mastered her stuffing and I was starting to branch out a little more when it came to cooking.  Having once told me I would never meet a man and get married if I didn't cook (she may have been right about that), she was happy to send it.  She sat down at her computer, typed it up (there was no link to just direct me to)- either from memory or the scrap of paper torn out of a magazine, and sent it on its way.  I have only made it a handful of times.  There are more steps and required concentration than I usually like in a recipe, but it is so worth it.

You Will Need:
2 cups heavy cream- divided
3 egg yolks, slightly beaten
2 pkgs (8 oz each) Baker's Semi-Sweet Chocolate
1/2 cup Karo syrup- light or dark
1/2 cup margarine or butter
1/4 cup confectioners sugar
1 tsp vanilla
Raspberry Sauce (below)

Line 8 1/2 x 4 1/2 x 2 1/2 loaf pan with plastic wrap. Mix 1/2 cup cream with egg yolks. In 3 qt.

saucepan stir chocolate, corn syrup, and margarine over medium heat until melted. Add egg mixture. Stirring constantly, cook 3 minutes. Cool to room temperature.

Microwave instructions: In 3 qt. microwavable bowl mix chocolate, corn syrup, and margarine. Microwave on High, stirring twice 2 to 2 1/2 minutes or until melted. Stir in egg mixture. Microwave, stirring twice, 3 minutes.

Beat remaining cream, sugar, and vanilla until soft peaks form. Fold into chocolate until no streaks remain. Pour into pan. Refrigerate overnight or chill in freezer 3 hours. Slice and serve with sauce. Serves 12 

Raspberry Sauce: 
In blender puree 1 pkg. (10 oz.) frozen raspberries, thawed. Strain. Stir in 1/3 KARO corn syrup. Serve over slices of truffle.

I remember these being pretty big servings, so you could probably stretch the desert to more than 12 people if you are serving a larger meal or as part of a party.  However, this desert must be kept cold, so I don't recommend serving it from a buffet. 

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