
Monday, December 10, 2012

Gluten Free Baked Donuts- 365 Recipe Challenge

I love Pinterest.  You might say it borders on Pinsanity.  Either way, Pinterest led me to this awesome recipe for Baked Donuts.  Of course, I needed to modify it for gluten free purposes, but it was super easy- and fast.  I think it is going to be great for Christmas morning.  We usually have a light treat (donut, coffee, etc) before we open stockings and while we wait for everyone to gather.  Then, between stockings and presents we have breakfast.  I like to make Christmas morning last as long as possible.  I probably wont make these the morning of, since I really don't want to mess up my kitchen that early, but I will definitely make them the night before.  As someone who is used to having to defrost ALL of my gluten free baked items, it is no big deal to pop something briefly in the microwave (although they are just as delicious cold!). I originally thought I would just freeze most of the test batch, but after the look on my husbands face, I don't think we will have leftovers.  Since the hubs and I are counting calories as well, I figured out the nutritional information as well.  I am sad to say these are no better for you than a traditional donut hole (about 80 calories each)...unless you eat them plain.  Oh well, at least they are preservative free.

Cinnamon Sugar and Powdered Sugar.  Baby Donut Sweetness!

You Will Need:
1 1/2 cups (leveled) Pamela's Artisan Flour (for a non gluten free version, use regular flour)
1/2 cup granulated sugar + more for cinnamon sugar dusting
2 tsp baking powder (if you substitute a gluten free baking mix like Bisquick or Bob's Red Mill, you probably wont need this, but I have not tested it. You will need it if you use Pamela's Baking Mix.)
1/4 tsp  salt
1 egg
1/2 cup milk (I used 1%)
1/4 melted butter (make sure it cools to room temp so you don't scramble the egg) + more for dusting
1 tsp vanilla
cinnamon (optional)
powdered sugar (optional)

Mix the flour, sugar, baking powder and salt in a bowl.  In a large measuring cup, mix the milk, egg, butter and vanilla and then add the wet to the dry ingredients.  Stir until incorporated.  The batter should be pretty sticky.  If it seems dry add a little more milk or water.  Mine did not need any more liquid.  Really, we are making tiny breakfast cupcakes, so it should look similar (although slightly less pourable) to cake batter. Scoop into greased, unlined mini muffin tins.  If you line the tins you wont get the golden brown outside- it will be more muffin like.  If you must line your muffin tin, make sure you unwrap them before storing leftovers.  Gluten free muffins tend to "sweat".  Bake at 350 for 8-10 minutes.  My oven took the full 10 minutes.  Additionally, the instructions on the bag of Artisan flour recommend placing items in the upper third of the oven for best browning.  Mine were still pretty pale, but they were cooked through.

Don't blonds have more fun?  They are certainly delicious!
To dust, dip the top of the muffin in the melted butter and dust with your desired toppings.  I mixed 2 parts sugar to 1 part cinnamon to make cinnamon sugar.  Regular donuts are tossed in the sugar right after frying so the grease acts as a binding agent.  Since we aren't frying them the melted butter is our binding agent.  You can also follow the instructions in the link for her glaze- but we aren't glaze people in our house.  You could also frost these with your favorite frosting or dip them in melted chocolate.  Mmmm...chocolate.

I hope all the gluten free people out there enjoy an chance to eat donuts!  I have never wanted a donut pan or a deep fryer before, but now I find myself thinking I need one.  :)

That's What's for Breakfast!

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