
Monday, August 6, 2012

You must think I am starving!

Hey guys!  I know it has been forever since I have posted anything.  I  got super busy planning a wedding, getting married, and then life just got in the way.  So, to get back in the swing of things I am going to share my Monthly Meal plan.  I asked the Hubs to give me a list of his top favorite meals, and then I made a list.  Together we came up with a list of 25 meals plus side dishes.  When I say meals, I mean things we would eat for dinner.  Breakfast and lunch are usually on our own, so I just keep stuff around we can grab and go.  However, I do like to make dinner at night.  Lately, I have been in a rut- so the Monthly Meal Plan emerged.

With 25 meals, I have enough for Monday- Friday.  Saturday and Sundays are saved for left overs or meals out. Also, since there is just two of us a lot of these can be made once, frozen and then just defrosts when the meal repeats next month.  That is the other great thing about the meal plan- meals never repeat.  Unless it is one of those weird months that have 5 weeks (March and September?), we only eat a particular meal once a month.  Also, when I was deciding which food went where, I tried to maximize my ingredients.  For example, for week 1, we have 2 chicken meals and to ground meat meals.  So, I can buy one pack of chicken and one pack of ground meat and it all gets used.  I hate having to freeze 1 chicken breast, or throw away left over burgers because we each only eat one each.  Also, when ever possible, I try to cook meat only once and use half the next day. Okay, enough about why- here is the plan:

First, the list of foods:
The Hub's List:

Rotel Chicken Pasta
Beef Stew
White Chicken Chili
Tater tot casserole
Pork chops
Roast Chicken
Beef Tacos

My List:

Chicken enchilada casserole
Broccoli alfredo
grilled cheese/soup
chinese food
fake fried chicken

So now the Meal Plan:
Week 1:
Rotel Chicken Pasta
w/tossed salad
Chinese food w/
Beef Tacos

w/ dr pepper cake
w/ corn
Pizza w/ caesar salad
Week 2:
BBQ w/
black eyed peas
Fish w/ 
mac and cheese
Breakfast w/ 
Scarborough Fair chicken w/ 
3 Pepper pasta w/ 

Week 3: 
Roast Chicken w/
Tater tot casserole w/
mixed veggies
Broccoli Alfredo w/ 
pumpkin cake
enchilada casserole w/
Pork chops w/ spinach salad
Week 4:
Beef Stew
fake fried chicken 
w/ Squash
Thanksgiving sandwich 
w/ Green beans
grilled cheese/soup 
w/ brownie/ice cream
white chicken chili 
w/ spinach

So, sometimes I list a vegetable as a reminder to get a side dish, but a lot of these are recipes I know off the top of my head and they contain a vegetable. Also, I like to include one special desert a week...'cause sometime you need a desert!

I will be posting these recipes as we eat them.  I will also try to post a shopping list on Sunday's so you eat along with us!  

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