
Tuesday, August 7, 2012

Protein Pancakes with blueberry syrup

This morning I woke up with a hankering for pancakes.  Of course, deep down I knew oatmeal would be better, so this is the best of both worlds.  These are really similar to a recipe I have posted before, but I didn't have all those ingredients so I had to make due.  Before we get started, here is the nutritional breakdown (minus the syrup).  I hate when I find a recipe online and make it, only to discover it was terrible for me when I enter it into My Fitness Pal.  

Calories: 336
Carbs: 87
Fat: 10
Protein: 26
Fiber: 14
Sugar :10

I think that is pretty good for a breakfast.  The carbs all come from rolled oats and a banana, so I feel good about them.  Same with the sugar.  I don't eat syrup (I make it for The Hubs), so I didn't calculate those calories, but you should be able to read the back of the bottle to get an idea of how many extra to add.  Okay, on the the ingredients...

You will need:
1 medium ripe banana
1 egg
1 cup rolled oats.  Not instant or quick cooking.  You shouldn't eat those anyway.
1 serving vanilla protein powder (90 calories worth if you are sticking to my calorie count)
1 tsp salt*
dash of vanilla
dash of pumpkin pie seasoning (I put this in everything!)
** Truvia to taste
Syrup of your choice
Frozen berries
Coffee grinder/blender/food processor/magic bullet type device
Cooking spray

* a lot of recipes don't tell you to add salt when cooking with oats.  If you have ever wondered why your oatmeal never tastes right and you have attempted to add more sweetener but it still tastes flat- you need salt.  I have tried recipes without the salt, and they never turn out quite right.  1 tsp of salt isn't a lot- and it is a whole lot less sodium than you will get in processed foods.  Just add it, you will thank me.  

** I don't personally add any.  However, if this is your first adventure into these pancakes and you consume a lot of sugar in your diet, you might find these aren't as sweet as you are used to.  Personally, I would skip it, but it wont add calories, so try a packet or two.  You could also just trust me- and add more syrup if they aren't sweet enough.


Mash the banana with the egg.  Add in 1/2 cup of the rolled oats.  In the grinding device of your choice, grind together the remaining 1/2 cups of oats and the salt. You can skip this step, but hang close to a bathroom for about an hour after eating if you don't eat a lot oats in your diet.  Trust me.  

Mix together the banana, egg, all the oats, salt, protein powder, vanilla and pumpkin pie seasoning.  You should have something similar to regular pancake batter- just slightly chunky.  Cook in a skillet over medium heat, a few minutes per side.  You should end up with 4- 6 small pancakes.  

While the pancakes are cooking, fill a coffee mug half way full with frozen fruit.  Add just enough syrup to cover- or less.  Microwave for 30 seconds on high.  Serve over the pancakes.  Enjoy!

Hey!  The plate coordinates.  I didn't even plan that. :)

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