
Thursday, May 5, 2011

Taco Night!

Yesterdays sandwiches were pretty awesome, and I will definitely be making them again.  One comment though: the roast beef got a little over done when it was warming in the pan.  Not a big issue for me, but for roast beef connoisseurs, this might be a problem.  Maybe warming the soup first and then adding the beef would fix the problem?  Either way, I would still eat them again.

We had take out tacos tonight in honor of Cinco de Mayo.  I guess I could have made them myself, but when you have San Diego Tacos down on the corner, why bother?  Something about the tin foil wrapped Styrofoam plate just makes them taste even better.  We ordered so much food we confused the drive through girl and she had to clarify when we go to the window.  Apparently "4 cheese enchiladas, 3 rolled tacos with guacamole, 3 carnitas tacos, 1 flan and a Dr. Pepper" is enough to stop you in your tracks and ask "you want what?"

And this is why I had to unbutton my pants after dinner.

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