
Friday, May 6, 2011

Fatty Fatty Chicken Pasta (Spicy Chicken Alfredo)

Heavy cream.  What do you do with it when you don't plan to make whipped cream?  You make alfredo sauce.  Of course, I like to pretend I am not clogging all of my arteries, so I substitute chicken broth for some of the cream and add chicken and bell peppers.  I also make it spicy.  Spicy food boosts your metabolism, right?

You will need:
(all measurements are approximate)

1 package of chicken, cut into bite size pieces
1 Tbsp Sriracha or hot pepper sauce
1 tsp garlic (I use the paste in a tube)
1 tsp Italian seasoning
salt and pepper
olive oil
1 bell pepper
1 box of pasta
1-2 tsp flour
1/2-1 cup chicken broth
1 pint of cream (you will not use all of it, so don't have a heart attack just yet.  save that for later)
crushed red pepper and parmesan cheese to taste

To begin with, I marinated the chicken in a combination of olive oil, sriracha hot sauce (rooster sauce), Italian seasoning, garlic paste, salt and pepper.  Add enough oil until you get a loose marinade.

Mix together in a bowl and toss the chicken to coat.  Allow to marinate in the refrigerator until you are ready to eat.  I made mine around lunch time, intending to eat it for dinner.  

While boiling the pasta (salt the water!!!) of your choice (I used a whole grain gluten free penne- gotta get your fiber!), sauté the chicken and one bell pepper in a pan.  Since you used oil in your marinade, you shouldn't need to add any additional oil to the pan.  Once browned, sprinkle with 1-2 tsp of flour (or gluten free baking mix in my case)

Allow the flour to cook for a few minutes, tossing the chicken to ensure it is coated evenly.  

Slowly add about half a cup of chicken broth, being sure to scrap the yummy bits from the bottom of the pan.  If you are not watching your waistline, you can skip the flour and chicken broth and just use straight cream...but I am so I use a broth/cream combo.  Add more chicken broth until you reach the consistency of thin gravy.  Melt in a few slices of the cheese of your choice.  We had deli sliced provolone on hand, so I used 3 slices of it.  Tear them into small pieces and add them one at a time so they have a chance to melt.  

 One the sauce beings to thicken, add your cream.  I used about a 1/4 cup.  You can certainly use more (use less chicken broth) based on how creamy you wanted your sauce, but I just wanted enough to make me think I was eating alfredo sauce.

Measure out the appropriate serving of pasta (I'll let you decide what that is), and spoon your sauce and chicken on top.  Right before serving sprinkle with crushed red pepper and parmesan cheese to taste.  

Voila!  That's what's for dinner.

NOTE*  I might decrease the pasta or increase the chicken next time since this was a little carb heavy.  Other than that, I wouldn't change a thing.

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