
Sunday, March 29, 2015

There has been a murder...

My Mom and I went out of town this weekend.  My Cousin's wife (cousin- in- law?) is having a baby, so we drove down to South Carolina to visit everyone and go to the baby shower.  This is her first boy (she has two girls already), so it was fun to see her get all the little boy stuff, and of course the little boy theme (Snips, Snails, and Puppy Dog Tails).  I should have know our "little boy" aka Caesar would be getting himself into trouble this weekend as well.

Since there isn't really a direct way to get where they live in South Caroline from where we live in Tennessee, and I have been out of my absolutely favorite peanut butter for about a month now, we decided to cut through Atlanta so I could go to Sprouts for more.  Since the shower was on Saturday, and we wanted to have plenty of time to visit, we left Thursday morning to get my peanut butter.

I know, it is kind of ridiculous to go out of our way (and by out of our way, I mean risk Atlanta traffic) for just peanut butter.  But seriously, it is the best peanut butter.  I found a Sprouts that was sort of on the way, and called ahead to make sure they had some.  They put 6 jars on hold for me, and we picked them up Thursday afternoon.

Because my husband is like most husbands, and hates baby showers, he stayed at home with the cats. I could have used his help with the Diaper Cake/Tricycle construction, but my cousin and I managed it pretty well.  Luckily my Aunt had a lot of the craft supplies we needed (that I didn't think to bring with me) as well as one of my Grandfather's bow ties to use as a bow when we ran out of ribbon.

Since the Husband was at home, he had cat sitting duty.  Desi and Caesar are usually pretty well behaved, but someone has to be around to make sure the food bowl is always full (so Caesar doesn't panic) and to make sure Desi doesn't get lost in the house.  For the most part I think they had a pretty relaxing weekend, but by Saturday night, things were getting a little hairy.

Caesar had been spending a lot of time in the basement, and it was soon discovered he'd found a new toy.  The Husband spent a lot of time trying to rescue the little mole, but he was too quick, and he couldn't ever catch him.  Unfortunately, some time Sunday morning Caesar did...and then he caught a bird as well.

When we got home, there were bits and pieces everywhere.  Desi was taking a nap, and the Husband had no idea what had happened.  Caesar waited until no one was looking and just slaughtered the poor creatures.  Of course, he knew he'd done wrong, because he refused to come out when we called for him.  We finally found him about an hour later, hiding on a dining room chair.

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