
Monday, March 2, 2015

Step Up Your Fitness

I was on vacation this weekend for my best friend's bridal portraits and bridal shower.  I flew to Dallas for what I thought would be a break from this winter weather, only to have the snow follow me.  It was cold, it was wet, and it made me miss summer.  Her bridal portraits (in the snow!) turned out amazing, but I can not wait for some warmer weather. You can imagine my excitement when I got home to some unexpected sunshine and to find out they had started putting in our pool! 

Of course, now that they are putting the pool in, I really need to get serious about eating clean and exercising more.  My friend Brandace with BBoldBStrong is running an awesome accountability group on Facebook that is perfect for anyone who want's to be healthier, but hate the gym. We all know we need to move more, but it is so hard to make yourself go to the gym (or at least it is for me)!  This group is going to utilize clean eating and walking.  That's it- eat well, walk, be healthy!  

How it Works:
Each member in the group will be encouraged to walk 10,000 steps a day. You will need some sort of pedometer (I plan on using my Fitbit), but any pedometer will work and they are readily available everywhere and can be super cheap. This is perfect for those new to exercise! If you are a hard-core gym members you can up the intensity by getting in your steps with running, running stairs, and of course your usual workouts as well. At the end of each week those members who reached 10,000 steps or more for at least 5 days that week can submit a photo proving their steps for that week. Then you'll will be entered into a drawing for a $50 Nike gift card! So not only do you get the motivation and support that comes from working out with a group, you get the incentive to buy some cute new workout clothes.  

What You'll Eat:
Everyone in this group will be utilizing the 21 Day Fix. If you follow this blog you've probably seen my 21 Day Fix conversions at the bottom of my posts.  I love the 21 Day fix for it's portion control containers and clean meal plan.  Shakeology is also a critical component to this program (as well as a fantastic source of protein on the 21 Day Fix), so if you haven't tried it, now would be a great time to give it a go.  Besides, the Beach Body folks have a bottom of the bag guarantee, so it's totally risk free.  

How to Sign Up:
Follow the link below to order your kit.  Then message me either on Facebook or in the comments section below and I will get you registered! The group starts March 16th, so order soon to get your kit in time! If the chance to get fit with a bunch of amazing people and a chance to win a $50 Nike gift card isn't enough incentive, the 21 Day Fix program is on sale until March 4th!

If you have any questions about the programs, I'd be happy to answer them!  Be sure to follow me on Facebook for updates and new recipes!