
Tuesday, February 24, 2015

Food Prep- Smoothies

If you follow this blog at all, you know I am obsessed with smoothies.  I have one almost every day.  I am terrible about snacking on raw fruits and veggies, so this is how I make sure I get them in. I have a few standby's that I prefer, but I am always looking for new combinations.  My most used fruit in my smoothies are bananas, mostly because of their long shelf life, but also because they add a nice touch of sweetness to any combination.  Any time I use a green or other vegetable, I always add at least half a banana.  Sometime's I'll use a whole banana (especially if it involved peanut butter and chocolate), but it usually depends on what other fruit I have in the house.

This past week, as I was getting ready to go out of town, I made a bunch of smoothie packs to throw in the freezer.  I prefer frozen fruit in my smoothies because it gives them a creamy texture without having to use milk or yogurt.  I'm not anti milk, I just don't tolerate it well, so I prefer to use water in my smoothies.

For this batch of smoothie packs I used 1 purple 21 Day Fix container per bag.  This worked out to roughly 1/2  banana and 3-4 strawberries.  I put each serving in a ziplock bag, and then store the bags in the freezer until I want to make a smoothie.  When I am ready to make a smoothie, I add 1 cup water, 1 packet of Shakeology and 1 smoothie pack to a blender and blend away! The strawberry banana combination is great in any of the Shakeology Flavors, although Vanilla Shakeology and Coconut Water is my favorite.

Some other smoothie packs I like include:
1 green container of carrots & spinach + 1 purple of strawberries, apple & banana
1 green of diced beets + 1 purple of strawberries & banana
1 green of spinach + 1 purple of banana
1 purple of cherries, berries & banana

The green and purple containers I refer to above come from the 21 Day Fix.  They are color coded portion control containers.  Depending on your weight and activity levels you get a certain number of each container per day.  I love this program, so I frequently use the containers as measurements in my recipes.  If you'd like more information, click here.

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