
Monday, March 23, 2015


My mom has a big fat cat.  His name is Caesar, and he loves everyone.  My dad called him "Little Guy" when they first got him, because he was a kitten and he was like a little brother, if cats can be brothers.  He is not so little any more, and his name has transitioned to "Big Boy"

He likes to sit on my lap/chest/arms/computer/feet/anywhere he is too big to fit while I am working.  Recently he discovered that the chair I like to sit in while I blog gets perfect sun exposure and has optimal birds nest viewing.  So now we race to see who can claim the chair first, and when I win, he just sits on me.

As I type this he's been sound asleep on my leg for the last hour.  I have lost all feeling in my right foot, and I really have to pee.  Yet I'm still sitting here because I hate to disturb him.  Plus, if I get up, her will steal my spot.  This cat totally rules this house.

Caesar also has a sister, Desi.  She is much older (she is 16 years, he is 16 pounds). Desdemona is just as needy, but she just tends to wander around the house carrying her mouse...which she will instantly drop as soon as she sees you.

Desi likes to do laps around the yard on sunny days, and take naps.  Her favorite spot is on my mom's bed, curled up on the afghan.  Sometimes, she enjoys being pickup and carried around by my husband, but usually that causes her to forget what she was doing, and then she has to start her laps al over again.

Now that you've been properly introduced to the cast of characters, you can be assured that I will be posting more pictures of them doing cute things like napping, rolling in the sun, and lounging in inconvenient places.

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