
Thursday, January 3, 2013

Hot Buttered Rum

In October, my Husband, Parents and I went to Colonial Williamsburg.  It was freezing cold, pouring down rain and otherwise very "authentic".  We decided to have lunch at one of the Taverns on Duke of Gloucester Street.  Being absolutely frozen and sopping wet, we felt it was time for a warm beverage.  The waitress recommended the Hot Buttered Rum.  What is Hot Buttered Rum? I asked, imagining a mug of warm butter.  I was informed it is mostly hot cider with rum and butter.  We quickly ordered 3 (and diet coke for my dad since he doesn't drink) and waited with anticipation.  Our wait was not in vain.  It was warm, it was sweet (but not too sweet) and it had rum.

You Will Need:
1 gallon apple cider
1 package cinnamon sticks
1 stick of room temperature salted butter
2 cups brown sugar
1 bottle spice rum (1 shot per person)

Mash the butter and brown sugar together in a small bowl.  It should be the color of dark sand.  I recommend tasting a small amount to get an idea of the sweetness before you add all the suger.  You may either roll the butter into teaspoon size balls (what I do for a party) or just stick the bowl of butter back in the fridge as it is and scoop some out when it is time to serve.
Warm the apple cider with the cinnamon sticks in a large pot or crock pot. When hot, add a shot of spiced rum and a teaspoon of the brown sugar butter into a mug.  Ladle the cider into the mug, stir and enjoy.

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