
Wednesday, November 14, 2012

Green Smoothie- Bonus Holiday Recipe!

The Green Smoothie.  The first time someone suggested I drink something green, I thought they were nuts.  However, as I have come to accept and even embrace, green smoothies are a great food to add into your diet.  They are full of healthy ingredients and actually quite delicious.  Most importantly, you can't taste "the green".  They are a great recovery food after a workout or as a way to sneak in a little more nutrition.  As we approach the holidays, the almost inevitable weight gain and, admit it, the hangovers; the green smoothie will be my secret weapon to bounce back in the new year.  
Make it special, put it in a fancy glass.

You will find a lot of different green smoothie recipes on the internet.  Some of them have protein, some of them don't.  The green ingredient changes person to person.  Some people use ice, others don't.  Once you jump on the green smoothie bandwagon, so you will find a recipe you like.  I like my green smoothie to be as close to a chocolate shake as possible. I do not use ice in my green smoothies because I don't like the texture.  Instead, whenever possible, I use frozen fruit and frozen spinach.

You Will Need:
2 cups frozen spinach (you can use fresh baby spinach too, just pack as much as possible in the blender)
1 frozen banana
1 scoop Chocolate Shakeology 
1 cup water (if you need the calories, substitute your milk of choice)
*scant amount of peppermint extract

*If you want a "Shamrock Shake" add a VERY SMALL amount of peppermint extract.  A little goes a long way.  I recommend adding the peppermint if you are trying to fool the kids.  Just tell them it is mint chocolate chip. 

Starting with the water, place all of the ingredients in a blender.  Blend until smooth.  If you are using a Vitamix, you probably wont need any more water.  Other blenders might require adding a little water at a time to get things going.  Makes 1 meal or 2 snacks.  

Spinach + 1/2 banana + 1/2 cup strawberries+ Shakeology+ 1 cup water
Spinach + 1/2 banana + 1/2 cup cherries + Shakeology + 1 cup water
Spinach + banana + 1/4 cup rolled oats, ground + chocolate B'NPB+ 1 cup cold coffee+ Shakeology

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